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Import/Export - Troubleshooting

Field Formats: The system expects the following data to be in specific formats on Import.

    • Date Format: 2022-07-08
    • Timezone Format: America/Vancouver
    • Time Format:  10:30:00 PM
    • Home/Visitor: Must match exactly with Team Name in the system.
    • Location: Must match exactly with Location Name in the system.
    • Facility: Must match exactly with Facility Name in the system.
    • Game Type: Must be one of the following 8 types: (preliminary, exhibition, regular season, final, consolation final, playoff, quarterfinal, semifinal)
    • Hierarchy: Must indicate the existing hierarchy with the “>” sign in between  (eg. Conference > Division)

When importing a schedule you can get errors due to the formatting of the cells in the CSV.  This can happen due to the set up of your excel cells.  Seen below the original set up of the dates on the right and the adjusted dates on the left.


If you are having an issue getting the dates or times into the right format you can adjust these by highlighting the cells then clicking on the formatting above to adjust them.  In the example above the year was on the far right but after adjusting the format it moved the year to the left. 



Error Messages: If you receive Error Messages upon Import, it is often something you can correct.

  • Review the errors received and update the file as needed. 
  • Attempt re-import. And repeat as needed.
  • Consider removing the first column “SN_ ID”. Unless you are updating existing games/teams/rosters. This is a unique ID field. If you are adding/importing new data, the system will NOT accept this field as blank. 

Error Message Examples:




Minimum Required fields: Each Import type has a minimum required fields. If these fields are not included the file will not be accepted.


Roster Import:  Minimum required fields

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

 Fields Required Description






Team ImportMinimum required fields

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

 Fields Required Description

SN Team ID



Abbreviation for Team Name (not displayed or required)




Competition Import:  Minimum required fields

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

 Fields Required Description

Player Jersey Number

