Onboarding Steps - for New Organizations and Leagues
Overview: The following steps are required by any new Organization to be able to set up a competition, schedules and score games.
Guided League Onboarding - Video - Part 1 (Covers Steps 1-5 below)
PART I - Account, Organization, Competitions (Divisions), Locations
- Create a SportNinja Account - from the website (ie. an Organization/League Account). Create your Organization hierarchy (with sub-Orgs, as needed). Note: we will auto-create your root Organization for you as part of step 1.
- Create a new Competition - which is where all games are scored. Each Season, Tournament or Playoffs will often be a separate Competition. Define your contact info and Competition Settings.
- In the Set up tab of your Competition, create at least one Division.
- NOTE: If you want to use our integrated Registration/Payments feature, please stop at this point and contact us - support@sportninja.com. We will help configure your registration form to start taking registrations today!
- Location (s) - with associated facilities for the specific surfaces available (ie. rinks, courts or field names)
PART II - Registrations/Payments (if you aren't use SportNinja to take payments, skip to Part 3)
- Turn on and Configure Registrations for your Competition.
- Connect your Stripe account (via Account Settings)
- Share and communicate your Competition URL to start taking Registrations
- Approve Registrations as they come in and adjust Division assignment.
- Schedule games.
PART III - Teams, Players/Rosters, Schedules, Officials
- Add your Teams and Players (Rosters). There are 3 main Options:
- Path A: Add your Teams to Divisions in the Setup tab. Then, invite your Team Reps/Mgrs into the platform. For each specific Team, go to the Team Official's tab. They can add/import players on mobile and web, but can only edit their own roster: players, jerseys, positions and attendance and nothing else.
- Path B: Add your Teams to Divisions in the Setup tab. Then import your teams Rosters one at a time, or all at once using the Multi-Team Import file (on the Teams tab).
- Path C: Configure Registration - in this case, there is no need to add teams to the set-up tab, just approve them to the competition. Then use path A or B for adding Rosters.
- Game Schedules (start by adding one game manually, then use the export function to receive a custom format for your configuration. Make updates and re-import this schedule file).
- Referee/Officials to the Organization-level, or to a specific Competition (add one, or import a file).
- You are now ready to score games! on your mobile app