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Set up and edit - Locations

Important Note: Do not create duplicate locations. Only one version of each unique location should be required. If you have any issues or questions contact

When creating a new Competition (Game Schedule) or new Event a location is required.

Add a Location:

  1. From the Competition page, click the “Locations” tab in the main tab bar.
    Note: This is where you will determine what locations are available for games.
  2. Click the “Add New” button to add a location available for the schedule.
  3. Enter the Name and Full Address of your desired location.
  4. If the Location has Facilities associated (ie. Surface 1, Surface 2, Rink A, Rink B...etc) specify them at the bottom of this screen.
  5. Hit the "Submit" button.
  6. Your location will now appear in the Locations list, and the drop-down list on the Create Game screen.

Alternate way to add a Location:

  1. From the "Create Game" screen, in the Location field drop-down.
  2. If your location does not already exist in the list, select "Create a new location" from the drop-down.
  3. This will take you to the "Create Location" screen. Complete address per above.


Visual Steps:


1. Go to the Competition page. Select your League/Season.


2. From your Competition, go to the Locations tab.


3. Select the "Create Location" button in the top-right corner.


4. Add your location (and associated Facilities)

Note: All locations require a Full Address.




Add your facilities associated (at the bottom):


5) Your Location will now appear on the Locations tab. 


6) When you go to add a Game, it will be available in the drop-down list.


7. To Edit or Remove your existing Locations, select the elipsis (3 dots) and hit the "Edit" button.



Alternative option to Add a Location: (from the Create Game screen)


You can add one directly from the Game creation screen.

Select "Create a new location" from the drop-down list.