This article will review the process to manage Suspensions for your Competitions. If you prefer to watch a short video walkthrough of the process, click this link.
Note: Currently Suspensions can only be applied at the Competition Level. The SportNinja development team is working on a feature that will allow suspensions to be assessed at the Organization level and applied across multiple Competitions. This feature will be available in the near future.
This support document will cover how to:
How do I Add a New Suspension?
- Navigate to the Competition page in which you want to create a new suspension.
- In the Competition tab bar, click on the “Suspensions” button.
- In the Competition header, click on the “Add New Suspension” button. This will open a side menu that will allow you to input the suspension details.
- From the Team dropdown menu, select the team of the player you wish to suspend.
- Then, use the Player dropdown menu to select the player you wish to suspend.
- (Optional) You may wish to link the suspension to the game in which the infraction occurred, to do so, select the appropriate game from the Game dropdown menu.
- (Optional) You may wish to link the suspension to an in-game penalty, to do so, select the appropriate penalty from the Offense dropdown menu.
- Finally, select the End Date for the suspension.
Note: The End Date is the first day that the player will be allowed to return to play. They will be eligible to play in games scheduled on this date. - Enter a Description for the suspension.
Note: The Description will be shared with league admins, team reps, and the offending player. - Click the "Submit" button to complete adding the New Suspension.
How do I Edit a Suspension?
- Navigate to the Competition page in which you want to edit an existing suspension.
- In the Competition tab bar, click on the “Suspensions” button.
- In the main window, click on the “Edit” button beside the suspension you wish to edit. This will open a side menu that will allow you to edit the suspension details.
- To Edit any of the suspension details, click on the field you wish to edit and update the information.
- Click on the "Submit" button when you are finished updating the information.
How do I Delete a Suspension?
- Navigate to the Competition page in which you want to create a new suspension.
- In the Competition tab bar, click on the “Suspensions”
- In the main window, click on the “Edit” button beside the suspension you wish to delete. This will open a side menu that will allow you to complete the process.
- Click on the "Delete" button at the bottom of the pop-up window.
Note: This process cannot be undone once completed. To reinstate the suspension an Admin will need to create a new suspension.